Friday, January 27, 2012


I feel him watching
He's near
I Listen for his laughter

I sense him.  Laughing with friends
He caught my eye
Eyes glittering.

My memories tickle
as I remember 
burying my nose
in his coat
Smelling the cologne
as it hovers
wrapping around me

His gentle hands
Speak of 
Feather touches

I'm waiting.

I really like this site for the possibilities.  The Montana Historical Society has old photographs sometimes on display.  I think some of them would make wonderful visual prompts for poetry and prose.  

From Every Day Poems on Facebook

"Can you find a poem in this photo? If I were to find one, it might be in the woman's stance, or perhaps from an imagined figure in the air above her, or maybe in the folds of that voluminous skirt.

Share your poem, or a link to it, right here in this comment box, so we can easily find it and celebrate each other's words..."    


  1. Your poem takes me back to those big hugs, too. I like that you connected it all to the line, "I'm waiting". When I saw the photo (I signed up on Facebook) I thought it looked so lonely. Interesting what different paths our imaginations take us.

  2. So I had to write to the picture... . It's a beautiful photo. Thanks for the connect. I liked your poem. My favorite words: burying, wrapping, feather touches, waiting.


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