Sunday, March 10, 2013

Connecting a Historical Event to Montana, SOL 10 of 31

Part 1:  Using scaffolding to show kids how to source a historical artifact.

Please click on the first Voki.  Please listen to instructions and then click the link that will take you to the Critical Past website.  This website has original footage.  Please view the footage and look at the identifying text.

Write your observations on your paper in the first rectangle.

Write your observations in the second rectangle.

This is one way I am introducing primary sources to my students.


  1. This is great, Ruth. I enjoyed the two parts that told about the same thing, showing students that multiple kinds of sources can enhance the learning of the topic. Can I make one suggestion? When creating the links, click in the box that says open in a separate tab, then students will be able to click back & forth if they cannot remember all directions. And, when you talk about the rectangles, are they on a worksheet that you give the students? Thanks for the voki site; I'll pass that on & maybe use it in my next newsletter to "talk" to the teachers-won't they be surprised!! Terrific stuff!

  2. I use blogger and it only allows me to open in a new page. I went back and looked. Do you know how I can get it to open in a new tab?

    I wanted the students to take a plain sheet of paper and fold it in fourths. Then they will write about four separate documents/artifacts. By having 4 different primary sources about the same topic it allows the students to go deeper and to develop more background information.

    Kids love the voki - especially for repetitive directions. They will sit transfixed listening to a talking cat.

  3. Ruth, I am sorry, I thought it said, open in a new tab, but it is page, as you know. That's okay too, but when I clicked on your links, I changed pages instead of getting a new page. That's all. On another tack, I have a person who wrote me who said she keeps not getting linked up. If I forward her e-mail will you see if she did sign up? Thanks!

  4. Yes send me an email and I will check.


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